Student's Life Projects

Below you can see some life projects of some student from 11th grade (jorge eliecer gaitan high school)

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  1. I am currently, my last year año I would like to study bachillerator public accounting . 
    I'm sure I will be able to reach all my goals because I'm a dedicated person in everything I do and besides, I have the ambition to study, in order to get a good job and other endeavors. 
    Even if I have some failures, I will be able to pick myself up and strive even harder to fulfill my plans with the ultimate goals of obtaining a better economic position, as well as a better social position and becoming a better person. 
    One of my objectives is to help people around me, because that will help me attain more self-confidence. 
    I also want to help my family with household expenses, as well as be able to live comfortably and perhaps be able to leave a legacy for my children. 
    I want to be able to feel useful and have the satisfaction of knowing that I helped those whom I love and needed me. 

    I'm sure I will reach all my goals because I'm a dedicated person in everything I do. I'm very punctual and have the ambition to work hard to fulfill my plans. 
    I also have the conviction to know that despite future failures, I will pick myself up and strive even harder to fulfill my plans with the ultimate goals of obtaining a better economic position, as well as a better social position and becoming a better person. I consider all aspects to be equally important, especially a becoming a better person because this will help me feel satisfied with myself. 
    I will also help my spouse partner with household expenses, so we can live comfortably and leave a legacy for my children while having a pension for my retirement. 


  3. my name is Cristian Camilo Oviedo, I have 17 years, currently underway grade eleven, one of my short target plaso is to graduate with honors, I would like to study medicine because I like helping others, I like to share a lot with children, so I would like to specialize in pediatrics, if I can not study medicine for now, I would like to study psychology because I love listening to others, and help them solve their problems, I would love to get a good job and be able to carry my mom where she wants, I want a family, which integrate my wife that I wanted to marry and two children, the child, I would like to be called jose david and girls who call Maria Camila.
    I would like to travel to orlando florida to meet the Disney parks, I would feel the satisfaction of knowing that you can help those who want more.
    I'm sure complir to reach all my dreams, since I am a very responsible person, dedicated in what I do, caring, respectful.
    I would also like to set up a foundation, or a kennel for the dogs left on the street, I want this because I really like dogs.


    cristian camilo oviedo arrigui 11B

  5. GERMAN CAMILO VALDERRAMAOctober 2, 2015 at 4:03 PM

    I am Germán Camilo Valderrama Beltrán 17 years old and currently studying in the educational institución Jorge Eliecer Gaitán.
    Some of my strengths as a person, is that I am very dedicated to what I do in school, home, friends, etc.
    To mention some of my fears and weaknesses, would be the fear of failure, it is time in which I say that I have not done anything that I have proposed, and others of my concerns is that things (tasks, jobs, projects, goals, etc.) do not go as I planned.
    Moreover, I think I should learn from life experiences that help me accretion as a person, I think that experiences the meet you in problems that could be resolved or not resolved, also happy situations or just everyday things, but for one reason or another will be significant for me. But nothing more I learn about life, but also the school, since so properly will develop me as a professional, which would like to learn or rather I must learn is to solve their own and other legal cases, I also I like to expand my general knowledge.
    People who have had the greatest influence on my life are my family, which is composed of my mother, Luz Magaly Beltrán my dad Germán Valderrama Bonilla, my brothers Jordán Gómez, Steven Valderrama, Sebastián Valderrama and Valeria Valderrama their influence is they have always supported me in my decisions and the problems that have emerged throughout my life.
    One of my most significant decisions was the career choice, as it was among several options, among which medicine and international trade, but I decided on law and that is what I like.

    On the other hand within the aspects I like about my spiritual life are to say my prayers, I try to communicate with God, I try not to commit sins, try to do good and help others.
    As for my emotional life I like that I am a sensible person, I reflect on the situations that I go through, I try to act calm in adversity, I'm trying to think before acting and I take time to relax. And be impulsive which I'm improving, being impatient, wanting to get things done as I want when I want, the stressed out and desperate to be corresponding to the aspects I do not like to deal with my emotions.
    With regard to intellectual, that I like I am that I am very responsible, dedicated in what I do. As for what I do not like is that I can easily lose concentration when something does not interest me, sometimes I struggle a bit to concentrate, I would increase my vocabulary, reading a text and if not understand a word should seek their meaning and yet sometimes I do not and I think I should read more.

    However, one of the conditions that drive me in my development is the trazarme goals and as to the conditions hinders ers fear of failure is. But development if it is possible to change this mindset, it is also feasible, I can carry out my goals, if we can change and I believe that with new experiences could mature more about a decision and convince me that what I had chosen it is not right. Speaking of my plan of action to follow could say that is the business as usual, except that improve aspects I do not like as mentioned above, also the follow forging goals and imagine how I would feel if were to take to this way you can motivate me more.

  6. my proyec life

    Hello, my name is Hader Fabian Pulido. I live in Florence Caqueta. now I want to tell you about my life and what I do.
    I am studying in the 11th grade school Jorge Eliecer Gaitan and I will graduate at the end of this year.
    Next year I will study at the University of the Amazonia.
    I'll will study engineering systems with emphasis on networks.
    Now I going to go school tomorrow in the morning.
    I will study hard to be the best.
    and I will be a good violinist to play in orchestras.
    I would like to travel to many parts of the world like Paris, United States, Jamaica, Germany and I will study several languages to communicate with the people in those places.
    I'll buy a house to live with my family, I will also have a car to transport me to my family.
    I like to share with people not only materially but also knowledge and I will be very good to all
    my dream is to be the best in everything you know and do not be proud or bad person.
    I finally want to tell you I try to be better every day, thus setting an example to children.



  9. my life proyect: I am Alejandra Cruz Medina I have 18 years old, was born on February 3, 1997, some of my strengths as a character, son I'm very dedicated in what I do (school, home, friends, etc.) never surrender myself before some situation, I face Troubled bad value, I'm sure of myself, and I am also slightly perfectionist, child these Aspects more significant. for mention some of my fears, fear of failure would, arrived that the time when I say no I Made me anything that the proposed, and others of my concerns is that things (tasks, work, projects, goals, etc.) not go as they planned. By another, I think I should learn from life experiences that I would help accretion As a character, my parents son Jorge Cruz and Norma Rocio Medina, I have 2 brothers i am Second of them, they son yeison and Marcela, the way I look at beside them, for they have been and are my reason for being, paragraph motivation propose goals and fulfill Being They the apollo and people who have ayi paragraph help in the moments that he wanted to go back state, I like listening to music in my time free, and I'm learning to play the clarinet sea though difficult, is that with a little effort you can achieve, I also like to travel, meet exotic places you Is My Country; I am currently studying in school Jorge Eliezer Gaitan in grade 11; After completing school I want to study accounting at univrersidad, be professional paragraph improve my quality of life and that of my family, plus a queue need help and characters are getting ahead

    Everyone has aspirations in life, currently underway grade eleven but another year if God allows me to start college in the faculty of Commerce and International Business and traveled to the city of Cali, one of my main goals in my life is help my family in all aspects, help those most in need, formarme every day as a person intellectually and morally, build my own story to be next to the people I love and love me. She is a good daughter, friend, sister and partner.

    I would like to travel to the United States in order to have more job opportunities, but also wanted to travel to Australia and Italy, after that create my own company, be a successful entrepreneur, always I have God present in my life and in everything I do; then form a family, to marry a good husband, after that have three beautiful children, buy a big house, a car and live comfortably.

    and finally not because it is minor, I ask God to give me health and licensing to meet all my expectations without going over anyone, and still be an enterprising person with many goals and dreams to fulfill.

    Thank you.

  11. LEIDY CAROLINA TOVAR MORENOOctober 2, 2015 at 6:04 PM

    My name is Leidy Carolina Tovar Moreno, I have 16 years, I am currently eleven, one of my goals plaso carto is graduating with honors, I would like to study trade and international business because I like to relate to people of other countries, if not I can study international trade and business, for now, I would like to study accounting issues because I have the foundations to support me in this profession, I'd get a good job and be able to help you need my mom, I want a family, up to my husband and have a child.
    I would go to Italy because I love knowing historical centers of that country, and also able to take my mom and my sister to all countries in the world.
    I'm sure to meet, to reach all my dreams, since I am a responsible person, dedicated in what I do and respectful.

    And above all I thank God for having a family that supported me in this process of training, for food and for being a better person every day.

  12. My name is Jose Albeiro Rojas Puentes, I have 17 years old. First i want to finish high school and after that i would like to study civil en gineering and then get a good job to have a good life, after that save money and the travel to Italy where he spent a long time and get a good job, and if not the achievement would return to Colombia and if for some reason i can not study civil engineering, wolud study degree en social sciences, and that teaching also fascinates me, because my grandfather Luis Maria Urrego Bejarano was a teacher all his life, so i would like to follow in his footsteps and i have very clear it would save a lot money and travel to united states of america to buy the car of my dreams, which is the ford mustang of 1967 because it is the best car in the history , and something that i have very clear is to find a woman who loves me and that i want to raise a family, if you fist have a girl would put as Marly Liceth name or Robert Nesta, as my singer favorite music, and i also like to help my father and my mother so that never again in life back to work and also help my sisters to study what they want and then not have economic problems


    My name is ANYELA LIZETH HURTADO RODRIGUEZ, i'm 16 yeras old. below will tell you my project measure!
    at the end of my school I'm going to study at the University of the Amazon, I study Business, Administration and undertake my way on my own, I will also work to support muyself as a person and help those who really need it, I will also help my parents and my sisters who are the people who have been with me sim regardiess of the consequences.
    then after graduation in college with my friends I will travel to exotic places in our region, maybe travel to other countries to learn some differrent cultures.
    after that I will begin my professional career, working on what I play better.
    later I'II buy my own stuff, my own each, my own car, my own elements and help my parents to buy what they need, later I will starst my journey whit someone who is there for me in good times and and if gos permits wvil to me I will have a son I will give it my all and I will teach things of life, who will breed with dedication and effort and who really going to want with all my heart.
    and when you no longer need to work harder, try to sensitize the world of all the damage we are doing to our alrrededor and all things that are damaging unnecessarity.

  14. My name is gisela tovar valbuena, I have 16 years, born on September 21, 1999, my first goal in my life is graduating from college with honors, then start a career at first wanted to study medicine and specialize in pediatrics because I love Part of caring for young children after wanted demaciado studying social communication and be one of the best presenters, but by this time my dream is to study psychology because it is something that I feel gives me the subject of studying human behavior and help a winged people poblemas in your life and know that I can contribute a little to the quiet life of many people ps because I want to major in clinical psychology, I wish I could realize my dream of studying this in the national university because we know that that educates the best doctors and psychologists after that would like to get a good job to fix my mom's house as you like also I would like to marry soon but I do not like to have two children and build my own family. one of the things that I also dream to do is create foundations of social including so for young people and help create change in society, I also want to travel to fracia, England, Spain, Switzerland, and know all Colombia and I love to travel

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  17. my life project
    first objective of my project is to graduate from high school life giving great joy to my parents and my family. then studying in higher education as a mechanical engineer and obtain the honors degree and having passed these stages I like to form my own company or work in a prestigious company while I work I would like to study something else in order to prepare more in the area education. I also like to travel to different countries like Dubai Spain United States France Italy England and if you can learn more and more to the different cultures and attractions that have each country. another dream that I have in my life plan is to attend to watch a World Cup and support our selection Colombia, in addition to attending the final of the Champions League (Champions) to see up close the various international football stars after all these goals and dreams is one of the most important is to start building my house and my house I would build it in a very good region to live so that my parents have a quiet old age and enjoy their old age after this I go formalizing my home and my family and have a happy family and have children and give study to have someone important in life and support them all your dreams and have crazy because when one wants can and if you fight for them the will realize, and for that reason will fight to achieve my goals and perform all and live my quiet life relaxed and happy in peace to enjoy life

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    institución educativa
    Jorge eliecer gaitan

    my life project

    first objective of my project is to graduate from high school life giving great joy to my parents and my family. then studying in higher education as a mechanical engineer and obtain the honors degree and having passed these stages I like to form my own company or work in a prestigious company while I work I would like to study something else in order to prepare more in the area education. I also like to travel to different countries like Dubai Spain United States France Italy England and if you can learn more and more to the different cultures and attractions that have each country. another dream that I have in my life plan is to attend to watch a World Cup and support our selection Colombia, in addition to attending the final of the Champions League (Champions) to see up close the various international football stars after all these goals and dreams is one of the most important is to start building my house and my house I would build it in a very good region to live so that my parents have a quiet old age and enjoy their old age after this I go formalizing my home and my family and have a happy family and have children and give study to have someone important in life and support them all your dreams and have crazy because when one wants can and if you fight for them the will realize, and for that reason will fight to achieve my goals and perform all and live my quiet life relaxed and happy in peace to enjoy life

  20. My life project:
    My name is Adriana Fernanda Calderón Capera, born on November 16, 1997, since childhood I have dreamed of being somebody in life, to have projects, careers, securities in short, everything that today seek and yearn for our parents, help in that more can and bring them up with more effort,
     I got this last year is the 11th grade, if God allows me I will graduate with honors this 2015, I want to study criminology both my attention and power cumplirmes my parents have always been there for me supporting me and more that my mother Olga Capera to be proud of me, then have a beautiful family and so fulfill the duties.

    I ask God to give me strength to carry on and face what comes, be a good person with values ​​above all and walk in God's hand.

    It only remains to thank the teachers, peers that hold us so much and God is always with us.
    Thank you...

    Nahui Olin Vaquiro Murcia 11 B

  22. Life Proyect
    Quebrada antury Edwin stiven

    My name is Edwin stiven, I am eleventh grade student with a purpose but first I must fulfill my stage of education in order to move on to higher education,
    since child was clear what I want to study at the University and because I want to, today I have more than clear, purchasing pins in different universities for medicine after I start my studies before that, a semester will study English and then are a trip to San Andreas to distract myself, I know the sea shortly after air travel and before I met the most beautiful women of that beautiful island, passing those blissful holidays but forget the experience, return to my studies concentrate the same purpose to have the lifestyle you've always wanted but will not let go of what I am, without leaving aside the promises I made to my mom Much Before knowing how to fulfill them,
    Giving back to my family I want everything you have done for me, of course! after being professional before making my life with a nice family, and that to me has taught my mother after she learned of my goals, also I told me that as a young man I can have my love relationships but first I must have clear what they mean without neglecting the risks that these have as an unwanted pregnancy and the risk you have when having sex without protection or intelligence.


    Hello, I am Geiner Alirio Gómez I am 16 years old at present I study in the school Jorge Eliecer Gaitan grade 11 B, of Florencia, Caquetá. Some of my strengths as a person, are that I am very dedicated to what I do, i will never pay to any situation, he faced my problems with value, i am sure of myself, and also i am somewhat a perfectionist, these are the most significant aspects.
    For mentioning some of my fears or weaknesses, it would be the fear of the defeat, that there comes the moment in which I say that I have not realized anything of what I have proposed to myself, and others of my worries the fact is that the things do not go out as I have planned them.
    On the other hand, I think that I must learn of the life experiences that should help me to grow like person, think that it will find the experiences in problems that I could have solved or that did not solve,
    Then I want to pursue a career, to be able to create my own business and that guarantees a good quality of live for my family. but I want to learn new skills to apply them for the rest of my life. After have organized my life. I would like to travel get to know habits and cultures of other places, along wiht my family.

  24. My Antury Cristian Andres Valencia, I have 17 years I am eleventh grade student with a purpose, but first I have to finish my degree in order to move on to higher education.
    from child what wanted was to be a footballer but that dream at that time it was impossible for my asthma problem, but that problem was not an obstacle to keep dreaming, today thanked God can perform full practice without problem one and still have the hope . Today I give myself the luxury of saying that I have played in many teams in which I have been trained as fotbolista, to be a Cadre footballer is to help my mother and my whole family that they were proud of me and that the not too distant future heard shouting my name on a football stadium. another objective q I have very clear is that I have to continue my education making a professional career, because I have very clear q football is not for life, and there are many obstacles q may prevent reaching the top as a player, so my second option is to study law and then move to the sub academy officers of the army, but the bottom line right now is training as a person to face life in a good way and be one more of the amount, and leave my own mark.

  25. mabel brillith molina rojasOctober 3, 2015 at 11:15 AM

    hello my name is Mabel Brillith Molina Rojas and i am 16 years old. i was born in florencia caqueta the march 11, 1999, i am the last child between my two brothers. i lived in cali, armenia,san jose del fragua now i'm finishing my studies at the jorge eliecer gaitan located in florencia. my big goal is to be president but this need to study law and even something any problem. i yearn to be a role model.

  26. Hello my name is paula andrea giraldo ascencio and i am 17 years old.i was bomm in florencia caqueta the march 30, 1997. for my project of life first, i want finishmy bachelor with good grades.
    then start a race university study accounting public but before i want make a technologist in the sena; for after that work and can pay the university.
    qualife the better that could fo the better in my career and in my work.
    second can form my own company in the wich i go generate empleoment the persons that neseciten and want to form part of my company.
    after help my momy with his own business for that she wants to work independently and fo generate employment women who are mothners head of home and i want support her in this project for that she hundred realized since person and woman.
    yet after uf meet realized i want form my family the side a man that myacconpanies and valve , my love and on everything my rest and my respect and that afterwards have my four children.


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